Book reviews

Book Review (in Similia, Dec. 2011 – Australian Homeopathic Journal)
Notes on Miasms, Heredity and Nosodes

Filip Degroote MD.
Second edition
Publisher: BJain Archibel sprl, Belgium, 2010.
Softcover, 224pp. Price: AUD: 29+/- ex.VAT.
ISBN 978-2-87491-007-4

Reviewer: Jenni Tree

At a meeting of homœopathic educators in 2010, Dr. Filip Degroote, who is generally a quietly spoken man, said the most astounding thing. He is in general practice in Belgium, and uses homœopathy as his preferred modality. In a practice of his size one might expect to see much cancer and chronic disease. However, over the past 20 years he revealed he could count these cases almost on one hand; in each case, they do not know their family origin or history at the beginning of treatment.

He attributes the lack of chronic diseases in his practice to the fact that he constantly treats 'the ancestral energy' besides the individual energy (which is reflected with the simillimum) of the patient. The treatment of the ancestral energy consists in administering, as well as the simillimum of the patient, the indicated ancestral nosode, using in particular the classic nosodes, sometimes the bowel nosodes and in a much lesser degree some specific anti-miasmatic remedies. The treatment of this ancestral energy, which causes epigenetic changes, results in a prevention of degenerative and chronic diseases.

For many years he has searched for methods which will afford near 100% certainty in the correctness of prescription. This has led to a very deep knowledge of the nosodal rubrics; the ascribing of remedies to particular energetic meridian points; and a Jungian insight into the relevance and connection of dreams to remedies or miasmatic states.

Filip’s body of work is contained in this new, much detailed and enlarged edition of his first book, and springs from just the first 65 pages of the original. (A second book, continuing from this point, is in the wings.) If his publication ‘Physical Examination and Observations in Homoeopathy’ (1992) were to be similarly updated, we would have a canon of undeniable use, along with his Dream Repertory, available from Radar®.

Contact Information
Dr. Filip Degroote
Nieuwe Sint-Annadreef 5
8200 Sint-Andries

Patient entrance:
Heesterlaan 4

Telephone : +32 50 36 30 20

Email :

Filip Degroote - Medical Doctor | Filip Degroote


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- Influenza-and-Sycosis
- Available in RadarOpus
- Physical-Examination-and-Observations-in-Homoeopathy
- Notes-on-Miasms-and-Heredity
- Dromen-vanuit-homeopathisch-perspectief
- Dreams---a-Homeopathic-Perspective