Notes on Miasms, Heredity and Remedy interactions

First edition (1994)

This book is aimed for practical use including work-procedure and illustrated by many clinical cases.
Although the use of nosodal remedies in homoeopathic treatment is generally approved, there have been no clear rules for their application so far. In this book, Filip Degroote, considering his own experience, recognizes that “psoric” patients react the easiest to one fixed simillimum. But from the moment a disease depends on a more complex miasm, a succession of several remedies is necessary to cure it. The role and relationship between heredity and nosodes are considered. The role of Classic and Bowel nosodes are both explained.
Why does homeopathy fail for some patients?
To solve this problem, the author is considering the energetic miasmatic point of view and a holistic approach.
In this book you can find the description of the muscles-tests needed for nosodes selection.
It is not a book for a pleasant reading on holiday but a book containing many pages with tables of relationships.
This book is aimed to stay at hand on your desk to help you for difficult cases.

Michel Van Wassenhoven, M.D.

Notes on Miasms and Heredity

Second edition (2010):

Second total revised edition, 2010

NB: The content of the first edition ‘Notes on miams, heredity and remedy-interactions (with list of relationships between homoeopathic and Bach flower remedies)’ is split up.
So this second edition is limited to miasms, heredity and nosodes only, which consisted of the first 60 pages of the first edition.

1. Publisher’s note:

‘Miasm’, the word itself has raised eyebrows of curiosity in the long history of Homeopathy. Dr. Samuel Hahnemann introduced this concept with the ‘Theory of Chronic Disease’ after years of clinical research and experience.
Every new concept has its critical analysis by people who find it difficult to move out of orthodox thinking. Dr. Filip Degroote’s effort is again a step separated from the league, as he brings clinically applicable concepts of miasm, heredity and nosodes.
Dr. Filip Degroote has emphasized that in homeopathic practice the use of intercurrent nosodal miasmatic remedies is very crucial. He has discussed the three main miasms and other diatheses in detail. He has also discussed about the presentation, common disease conditions and different stages of the all the miasms. The psychological aspect of the miasms has also been considered. Cases have been presented which give a practical insight into the usage of nosodal miasmatic remedies.
In addition Dr. Filip Degroote has discussed about Bowel nosodes, importance of heredity and energy points. This work is a clinical necessity as it shall prove to be a beneficial tool on the desk of a physician for easy and apt references.
We trust this information will be found useful by all the readers and are sure if used appropriately, homeopaths will be able to achieve much better results in their practice.

B. Jain Archibel

2. Book Review (in Similia, Dec. 2011 – Australian Homeopathic Journal)
Notes on Miasms, Heredity and Nosodes Filip Degroote MD.; Second edition
Publisher: BJain Archibel sprl, Belgium, 2010.
Softcover, 224pp. Price: AUD: 29+/- ex.VAT.
ISBN 978-2-87491-007-4

Reviewer: Jenni Tree

At a meeting of homœopathic educators in 2010, Dr. Filip Degroote, who is generally a quietly spoken man, said the most astounding thing. He is in general practice in Belgium, and uses homœopathy as his preferred modality. In a practice of his size one might expect to see much cancer and chronic disease. However, over the past 20 years he revealed he could count these cases almost on one hand; in each case, they do not know their family origin or history at the beginning of treatment.

He attributes the lack of chronic diseases in his practice to the fact that he constantly treats 'the ancestral energy' besides the individual energy (which is reflected with the simillimum) of the patient. The treatment of the ancestral energy consists in administering, as well as the simillimum of the patient, the indicated ancestral nosode, using in particular the classical nosodes, sometimes the bowel nosodes and in a much lesser degree some specific anti-miasmatic remedies. The treatment of this ancestral energy, which causes epigenetic changes, results in a prevention of degenerative and chronic diseases.

For many years he has searched for methods which will afford near 100% certainty in the correctness of prescription. This has led to a very deep knowledge of the nosodal rubrics; the ascribing of remedies to particular energetic meridian points; and a Jungian insight into the relevance and connection of dreams to remedies or miasmatic states.

Filip’s body of work is contained in this new, much detailed and enlarged edition of his first book, and springs from just the first 65 pages of the original. (A second book, continuing from this point, is in the wings.) If his publication ‘Physical Examination and Observations in Homoeopathy’ (1992) were to be similarly updated, we would have a canon of undeniable use, along with his Dream Repertory, available from Radar®.

3. Book Review (in Homeopathic Links, 2012/ Vol. 25, p. 130.)
Notes on Miasms, Heredity and Nosodes Filip Degroote MD. Second edition
Publisher: BJain Archibel sprl, Belgium, 2010.
Softcover, 248 pp., paperback, price: EUR 20.
ISBN 978-2-87491-007-4

Reviewer: David Nortman, Israel.

The topic of miasms is one of the most contentious in all of homeopathy. They are divergent views about the number of legitimate miasms, from Hahnemann’s original three, through the expanded classical canon which includes also cancer and tuberculosis (this is the model Degroote follows), to Sankaran’s clinically based ten-miasm model  which mostly dispenses with psora. Meanwhile multiple theories circulate about to use nosodes and isopathic agents, promoting confusion – especially in light of the lack of proper provings and clinical prescribing  criteria for many such remedies. It is not surprising, then, that many homeopaths cast doubt on the whole enterprise, disregarding or rejecting miasms altogether and at the best employing nosodes and isotherapeutic agents on the same symptomatic basis as “ordinary” remedies.

It is into this fray that Degroote enters, collating classical information about nosodes and various isopathic agents and exploring their clinical application. This he supplements with original material on how to apply such substances based not only on clinical indications but also on a method of energetic examination based primarily on applied kinesiology, as described in his 1992 work Physical Examination and Observations in Homeopathy. Thus a full appreciation of the present work, portions of which are indecipherable on their own, is considerably dependent on familiarity with his former work.

Notes on Miasms, Heredity and Nosodes
begins with a review of miasms from the classical and psychological perspectives. This is followed by a more general discussion of heredity and pausible mechanisms for miasmatic inheritance through epigenetics (the study of heritable alterations in gene expression caused by mechanisms other than changes in DNA sequence), which makes scientifically pausible the inheritance of characteristics acquired during the lifetime of one’s ancestors.
Starting with the classical five nosodes (including the subtypes of Tuberculinum), Degroote clearly outlines the indications for their use and method of diagnosis, with energetic testing supplementing the more familiar diagnosis through family anamnesis. In a short but intriguing chapter Degroote proposes that the classical nosodes are underused as complementary remedies early on the treatment of chronic conditions: according to him what passes for a homeopathic aggravation frequently contains clues pointing to a nosode that can address the ancestral layer that has temporarily surfaced; seizing the opportunity at this stage advances the case dramatically, greatly accelerating the otherwise slow or unsatisfactory curative effect of the main remedy when used alone.

Employing the bowel nosodes is trickier because they don’t possess a clear individual picture. Prescribing them thus requires a heavier reliance on the energetic examination as well as correlation with previously prescribed remedies, for which a list of bowel nosodes and their related remedies is provided. Finally, “isopathic nosodes” of bacterial, viral, and mycotic (fungal) origin are prescribed based on their known relation to specific diseases, supplemented once again with differential diagnosis by way of the energetic examination.

By offering a supplementary diagnostic tool, especially one that purports to the objective and reliable, Degroote offers a way out of the predicament one finds oneself when faced with situations that seem to require a certain type of remedy, for which no clear symptomatic indications exist. Despite minor shortcomings in editing and organization, the material is written clearly and succinctly in a form that is usable in clinic.

All considered, those who are not proficient in Degroote’s method of energetic examination may find this work of limited utility, instead finding sufficient guidance about exploiting the substances under discussion in such works as Lou Klein’s Miasms and Nosodes and Frans Vermeulen’s Monera and Fungi. Conversely, those who are willing to undertake a study of Degroote’s entire system of energetic examination and its application to miasmatic prescribing – for which both of his books are mandatory reading – may benefit considerably from investigating his diagnostic method and the expanded clinical horizon it promises to bring.
Contact Information
Dr. Filip Degroote
Nieuwe Sint-Annadreef 5
8200 Sint-Andries

Patient entrance:
Heesterlaan 4

Telephone : +32 50 36 30 20

Email :

Filip Degroote - Medical Doctor | Filip Degroote


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- Influenza-and-Sycosis
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- Physical-Examination-and-Observations-in-Homoeopathy
- Notes-on-Miasms-and-Heredity
- Dromen-vanuit-homeopathisch-perspectief
- Dreams---a-Homeopathic-Perspective